Source code for ecasb2share.ecasb2shareclient

""" Helper class to interact with B2SHARE REST API to create draft records
from ECAS user workspace.
Please refer to
 for more information.

.. Note:: this module is not considered as B2SHARE client and it is specific
 to ECAS use case.

Author: Sofiane Bendoukha (DKRZ), 2019


import requests
import json
import os
import logging

from requests import Request, Session
from . import exceptions

from urllib.parse import urljoin
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError


class EcasShare (object):

    """ ECAS B2SHARE main class """

    # Initialize

[docs] def __init__(self, url=None, token_file=None): """ Initialize the client. :param url: URL of the B2SHARE instance. One of the following hostnames can be used to identify the B2SHARE instance: * - the hostname of the production site. * - the base url of the training site. Use this URL for testing. :param token_file: B2SHARE API ACCESS token """ # Default path in container CONTAINER_PATH = '/home/jovyan/work/conf' # TODO: set up b2share url (prod or test), token and payload? if url is None: self.B2SHARE_URL = '' else: self.B2SHARE_URL = url if token_file is None: self.token_path = os.path.join(CONTAINER_PATH, 'token.txt') else: self.token_path = token_file
# Token
[docs] def retrieve_access_token(self): """ Read the token from a given file named 'token' """ token_file = open(self.token_path, 'r') return
# communities
[docs] def list_communities(self, token=None): """ List all the communities, without any filtering. :param token: Optional: B2SHARE API ACCESS token :return: list of communities in json """ url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, 'api/communities') if token is None: try: req = self.__send_get_request(url) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) else: payload = {'access_token': token} try: req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) if req.status_code == 200: return req.json()
[docs] def retrieve_community_specific_records(self, community_id): """ List all records of a specific community. :param community_id: community id. Can be retrieved from the list of communities :exc:`~ecasb2share.ecasb2shareclient.EcasShare.list_communities` :return: the list of records (in JSON format) or an exception message """ payload = {'q': 'community:' + community_id} url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records/') try: req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload) req.raise_for_status() number_of_records = req.json()['hits']['total'] print("Total number of records in this community: {}".format(number_of_records)) if number_of_records > 0: return req.json() else: print("No records in this community") except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err)
[docs] def get_community_schema(self, community_id): """ Retrieves the JSON schema of records approved by a specific community. :param community_id: community id. Can be found from the list of communities :exc:`~ecasb2share.ecasb2shareclient.EcasShare.list_communities` :return: community schema in json format. """ base = self.B2SHARE_URL url = '/api/communities/' + community_id + '/schemas/last' try: req = self.__send_get_request(urljoin(base, url)) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) if req.status_code == 200: return req.json()
# records
[docs] def list_all_records(self, size=None): """ List all the records, without any filtering TODO add pagination :param size: Optional :return: list of records in json format. """ url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, 'api/records') if size: payload = {'size': size, 'page': 1} else: payload = {'size': 10, 'page': 1} try: req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload) req.raise_for_status() return req.json() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err)
[docs] def get_specific_record(self, record_id, draft=True): """ List the metadata of the record specified by RECORD_ID. :param record_id: record id. :param draft: True/False to specify which type of record to search for. Default: True. :return: list of records. """ header = {'Content-Type': 'application-json'} token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() payload = {'access_token': token} if draft: url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, 'api/records/' + record_id + '/draft') else: url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, 'api/records/' + record_id) try: req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload, headers=header) if req is not None: req.raise_for_status() return json.loads(req.text) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err)
[docs] def get_record_pid(self, record_id): """ Get the pid from the record metadata (published). :param record_id: record id :return: epicPID, prefix/suffix """ record = self.get_specific_record(record_id) try: "{ePIC_PID}".format(**record['metadata']) return record['metadata']['ePIC_PID'] except KeyError as e: msg = " missing {} key".format(e) raise exceptions.MetadataKeyMissingException(msg=msg)
[docs] def create_draft_record(self, community_id, title): """ Create a new record with minimal metadata, in the draft state. :param community_id: :param title: title for the record :return: record_id, filebucket_id """ token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} payload = {'access_token': token} metadata = {"titles": [{"title": title}], "community": community_id, "open_access": True} url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records/') try: req = self.__send_post_request(url, data=json.dumps(metadata), params=payload, headers=header) req.raise_for_status() record_id = req.json() filebucket_id = self.get_filebucketid_from_record(record_id['id']) print("Draft record created:\n" + record_id['id']) print('filebucketid:\n' + filebucket_id) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) if req.status_code == 201:"Draft record successfully created!") return record_id['id'], filebucket_id
[docs] def create_draft_record_with_pid(self, title=None, original_pid=None, metadata_json=None): """ Create a draft record and specifying the original pid. Adapted from DataCite schema: * relatedIdentifierType: Handle * relationType: isDerivedFrom :param title: title for the record. :param original_pid: PID (prefix/suffix) of the input Dataset. :return: record_id and filebucket_id """ ECAS_COMMUNITY_ID = 'd2c6e694-0c0a-4884-ad15-ddf498008320' token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} payload = {"access_token": token} url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records/') if metadata_json: metadata = self.load_metadata_from_json(metadata_json) self.validate_metadata(metadata) related_identifiers = metadata['related_identifiers'] for pid in range(len(related_identifiers)): self.check_pid_syntax( related_identifiers[pid]['related_identifier']) try: req = self.__send_post_request(url, data=json.dumps(metadata), params=payload, headers=header) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) else: metadata = {"titles": [{"title": title}], "community": ECAS_COMMUNITY_ID, "related_identifiers": [ { "related_identifier": original_pid, "related_identifier_type": "Handle", "relation_type": "IsDerivedFrom" } ], "open_access": True } try: req = self.__send_post_request(url, data=json.dumps(metadata), params=payload, headers=header) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) record_id = req.json() filebucket_id = self.get_filebucketid_from_record(record_id['id']) print("Draft record created:\n" + record_id['id']) print('filebucketid:\n' + filebucket_id) if req.status_code == 201:"Draft record successfully created!") return record_id['id'], filebucket_id
[docs] def submit_draft_for_publication(self, record_id): """ :param record_id: record id :return: request status (HTTP response) """ header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json-patch+json'} commit = '[{"op": "add", "path": "/publication_state", "value": "submitted"}]' token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() url = self.B2SHARE_URL + record_id + "/draft" payload = {"access_token": token} try: req = requests.patch( url, data=commit, params=payload, headers=header) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) return req.status_code
[docs] def delete_draft_record(self, record_id): """ :param record_id: record id :return: request status """ url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records/' + record_id + '/draft') token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() payload = {'access_token': token} header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} req = requests.delete(url, params=payload, headers=header) return req.status_code
def delete_published_record(self, record_id): """ Notes: only a site administrator can delete a published record. :param record_id: the id of the draft record to delete :return: request status """ url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records/' + record_id) token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() payload = {'access_token': token} header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} req = requests.delete(url, params=payload, headers=header) return req.status_code
[docs] def search_records(self): """ List all the records, without any filtering """ token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} payload = {'access_token': token} url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records') req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload, headers=header) return req.json()
[docs] def get_filebucketid_from_record(self, record_id): """ TODO add exception when record not found :param record_id: identifier for a specific record, which can be in draft or published state :return: filebucket id. """ record = self.get_specific_record(record_id) if record is not None: filebucket = record["links"]["files"].split('/')[-1] return filebucket
[docs] def search_drafts(self): """ Search for all drafts (unpublished records) that are accessible by the requestor. Usually this means own records only. :return: the list of matching drafts (in JSON format). """ token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} payload = {'draft': 1, 'access_token': token} url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records/?drafts') req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload, headers=header) result = json.loads(req.text) print(result["hits"]["total"]) return result
[docs] def search_specific_record(self, search_value): payload = {'q': search_value} url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/records') req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload) return req.json()
# files
[docs] def add_file_to_draft_record(self, file_path, filebucket_id): """ :param file_path: path to the file to be uploaded. :param filebucket_id: identifier for a set of files. Each record has its own file set, usually found in the links -> files section :return: request status """ header = {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'octet-stream'} token = self.retrieve_access_token().rstrip() payload = {'access_token': token} upload_file = {"file": open(file_path, 'rb')} file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/files/' + filebucket_id) req = self.__send_put_request(url + '/' + file_name, files=upload_file, params=payload, headers=header) return req.json()
[docs] def list_files_in_bucket(self, filebucket_id): """ List the files uploaded into a record object. :param filebucket_id: identifier for a set of files. Each record has its own file set, usually found in the links -> files section :return: information about all the files in the record object """ token = self.retrieve_access_token() payload = {'access_token': token} if filebucket_id: url = urljoin(self.B2SHARE_URL, '/api/files/' + filebucket_id) try: req = self.__send_get_request(url, params=payload) return req.json() except HTTPError as err: msg = '{empty request}'.format(err) raise exceptions.MetadataKeyMissingException(msg=msg) else: print("Filebucket ID is None!")
# requests @staticmethod def __send_get_request(url, params=None, headers=None): s = Session() REQUEST_METHOD = 'GET' # Build the request _request = Request(REQUEST_METHOD, url, params=params, headers=headers) prepared_request = _request.prepare() try: response = s.send(prepared_request) # If the response was successful, no Exception will be raised response.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as http_err: print('HTTP error occurred:' + str(http_err)) except Exception as err: print('Other error occurred: ' + err) else: return response @staticmethod def __send_put_request(url, files, params, headers): s = Session() REQUEST_METHOD = 'PUT' # Build the request _request = Request(REQUEST_METHOD, url, files=files, params=params, headers=headers) prepared_request = _request.prepare() try: response = s.send(prepared_request) # If the response was successful, no Exception will be raised response.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as http_err: print('HTTP error occurred:' + http_err) except Exception as err: print('Other error occurred: ' + err) else:'Success!') return response @staticmethod def __send_post_request(url, data, params, headers): s = Session() REQUEST_MEHOD = 'POST' # Build he request _request = Request(REQUEST_MEHOD, url, data=data, params=params, headers=headers) prepared_request = _request.prepare() try: response = s.send(prepared_request) # If the response was successful, no Exception will be raised response.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as http_err: print('HTTP error occurred:' + http_err) except Exception as err: print('Other error occurred: ' + err) else:'Record created!') return response @staticmethod def __response_status(response): if response: print("Success!") else: print('An error has occured.') # metadata @staticmethod def load_metadata_from_json(metadata_json=None): if metadata_json: with open(metadata_json, 'r') as metadata_json: return json.load(metadata_json) def validate_metadata(self, metadata=None, metadata_file=None): """ Check if mandatory metadata are passed. :param metadata: Optional: metadata as dict (key, value) :param metadata_file: Optional. metadata in a json file. :return: metadata in json format. """ if metadata_file: metadata = self.load_metadata_from_json(metadata_json=metadata_file) try: "{titles} {related_identifiers} {community} {open_access}".format(**metadata) except KeyError as e: msg = "missing {} key".format(e) raise exceptions.MetadataException(msg=msg) return metadata @staticmethod def check_pid_syntax(pid): """ Checks if the syntax of the Handle is correct. Handles should be in this form: prefix/suffix :param pid: Value of the handle to be checked :raise: :exc:`~ecasb2share.exceptions.PIDSyntaxException` :return: True, otherwise, exception raised. """ correct_syntax = 'prefix/suffix' try: arr = pid.split('/') except AttributeError: raise exceptions.PidSyntaxException( msg='The provided handle is None', correct_syntax=correct_syntax) if len(arr) < 2: msg = 'No slash' raise exceptions.PidSyntaxException( msg=msg, pid=pid, correct_syntax=correct_syntax) if len(arr[0]) == 0: msg = 'Empty prefix' raise exceptions.PidSyntaxException( msg=msg, pid=pid, correct_syntax=correct_syntax) if len(arr[1]) == 0: msg = 'Empty suffix' raise exceptions.PidSyntaxException( msg=msg, pid=pid, correct_syntax=correct_syntax) return True